一、主題:Information technology and cross-border bank lending
二、彙報人:趙國君 2021級金融學博士研究生
四、報告簡介:2023年10月27日至2023年10月29日,“數字經濟與數字貿易”論壇(2023)于廣西壯族自治區南甯市舉辦,我院博士研究生趙國君與苟琴副教授、首都經濟貿易大學經濟學院李興申講師合作的論文《Information technology and cross-border bank lending》經過評審應邀參會。趙國君同學将在校内就該參會論文做出學術報告。
五、報告摘要:This study analyzes the impact of digital technology on cross-border bank lending and sheds light on the concurrent increase in the size and distance of cross-border lending. Using bilateral lending data from 28 source and 188 destination countries between 2000 and 2020, this study shows that the development of digital technology in lending countries has played a significant role in fostering bilateral bank lending and augmented the geographical distance of lending. In this respect, the transmission mechanism is the alleviation of information asymmetries, supported by a reduction in information costs, bolstering of fintech lending, and advancement of the financial sector. This study’s findings are supported by a diverse range of robustness tests designed to account for endogeneity and measurement errors. Overall, this study’s outcomes corroborate the assertion that digital technology has transformed the financial sector and stimulated both the scale and geographic extent of financial activity in cross-border settings.