一、主題: Meet Markets: Investor Meetings and Expected Returns
二、主講人:張然,博士,入選國家級學者,中國人民大學商學院會計系教授,博士生導師,中國人民大學“傑出青年學者”,2006年至2019年執教于北京大學光華管理學院。研究聚焦于基本面量化投資和私募股權領域。2017年出版專著《基本面量化投資》,該書出版一周即名列亞馬遜圖書新品排行榜“投資理财”類第一名。在國際頂尖學術期刊 Journal of Financial Economics, The Accounting Review, Journal of International Business Studies 和國内頂尖期刊《經濟研究》、《管理世界》、《會計研究》等發表論文數十篇。
研究成果獲得美國金融量化協會 (Q-Group) Roger F. Murray傑出研究一等獎、美國會計學會(American Accounting Association)中西區“最佳論文獎”、東北區“優秀論文獎”、海峽兩岸會計與管理學術研讨會“優秀論文獎”、第23屆亞太國際會計年會弗農•齊默曼最佳論文獎、美國EFA(Eastern Finance Association) 傑出論文獎、三次獲得國家自然科學基金結題“特優”、北京大學人文社會科學研究優秀成果一等獎、中國人民大學優秀科研成果獎、曹鳳岐青年科研進步獎等。
四、地點:騰訊會議【ID: 353200778】
We show meetings of investors and firms convey information about expected returns. Investors frequently travel to meet in-person with firms before investing, and we show firms with abnormally frequent meetings predictably outperform firms with abnormally infrequent meetings by roughly 70-to-100 basis points per month. Abnormally frequent meetings also predict improvements in firms’ fundamental performance, suggesting our results stem from investors allocating time and attention to meetings with management from underpriced firms. Together, our findings highlight the usefulness of investors’ resource allocation decisions in expected return estimations, and provide insight into the multi-stage process investors undertake when forming portfolios.