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邵裴 | 金融工程系seminar第16期暨bevictor伟德官网雙周論壇336期

[發布日期]:2021-05-25  [浏覽次數]:

一、主題:Did Socially Responsible Firm Stocks Rebound More Quickly after the Market-wide Circuit Breakers?  

二、主講人:邵裴,加拿大約克大學金融學博士,現為加拿大萊斯布裡奇大學副教授,注冊金融分析師。研究領域為銀團貸款市場、金融中介機構、公司社會責任,基金,公司金融,IPO 公司兼并收購等。在Review of Financial Studies, Contemporary Accounting Review, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Money, Credit and BankingReview of Finance等國際期刊發表論文10餘篇。曾多次獲得加拿大人文社科研究委員會的專項研究經費,美國聯邦保險公司研究獎勵,萊斯布裡奇大學專項研究獎勵等。 


四、地點:騰訊會議ID289 195 913 



Abstract: We examine whether firms’ social capital and trust plays a role in speeding up the stock recovery process after the activations of market-wide circuit breaker at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020. We find that stocks for firms with a higher CSR rating rebounded more quickly than those for firms with a lower CSR rating in terms of improved stock liquidity and stock trading environment measures after a trading halt. As such, we provide a new piece of evidence that firms’ social capital and trust could safeguard their stock against in a potential liquidity drain and a rapid deterioration in stock trading environment under an extreme market condition.

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