一、主題:Real Effects of the ECB’s Quantitative Easing: A Housing Portfolio Channel
馬暢教授的主要研究領域為國際金融、宏觀經濟學和宏觀審慎性政策等。他的論文發表在Review of Financial Studies, Journal of International Economics等國際頂級學術期刊,并被《華爾街日報》,聯合國工業發展組織,VoxEU和VoxChina等國際主流媒體和智庫研究廣泛報道。另外,馬暢教授曾獲得2019年上海市浦江人才、2019和2020年泛海國際bevictor伟德官网優秀研究獎、2020年浦山世界經濟學優秀論文獎、2020年國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目。
三、時間:2021年10月26日14:30- 16:00
四、地點:騰訊會議 873 830 900
五、主持人:彭俞超 副教授,bevictor伟德官网學術交流部主任
Abstract:We propose a new housing portfolio channel through which QE affects output. In response to QE, intermediaries rebalance portfolios from bonds to houses, lowering the return to saving and stimulating consumption and output. We study this channel empirically in a German housing boom without credit boom. Identification exploits regional variation in land scarcity to measure exposure. Our channel accounts for 60- 80% of the total QE impact, with the term spread, the credit, collateral and wealth channels accounting for the remainder. To illustrate our channel, we also set up a simple portfolio model with preferred habitat investing in local housing markets.