一、題目:Identifying Economic Links Using Social Media
郭峰,上海财經大學公共經濟與管理學院投資副教授、博士生導師、北京大學數字金融研究中心特約高級研究員。研究領域包括數字經濟與數字金融、機器學習與大數據分析、公共經濟學等範疇。在《經濟研究》、《經濟學季刊》、《管理世界》、《管理科學學報》、Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization、China Economic Review等中英文學術期刊上發表論文50餘篇,出版學術專著3部,參著數部。主持國家社科基金青年、上海市哲學社會科學規劃項目、博士後科學基金面上項目等課題10餘項。
四、地點: 騰訊會議155-301-033
This paper introduces a new method to identify whether there is an economic link between firms based on social media text. If investors discuss a firm extensively in the relevant social media subforums of another firm, this paper considers the two firms to have explicit or implicit economic links. To this end, this paper takes the sudden suspension of the IPO process of Ant Group, the world’s largest FinTech group, in November 2020, as an exogenous shock and analyzes the economic consequences of social media connections (SMCs) between firms. The study finds that the suspension of Ant Group’s IPO has a negative impact on the stock prices of firms which have SMCs with Ant Group. The price spillover effect remains consistent for firms with SMCs after multiple robustness, placebo, and exclusivity tests. Additionally, the SMC also has real effects, such as corporate investment and financial asset investment.