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[發布日期]:2010-07-20  [浏覽次數]:

由bevictor伟德官网主辦,《中國與世界經濟》( SSCI 源英文期刊)編輯部、bevictor伟德官网國際金融研究中心、日本慶應大學環球卓越研究中心等協辦的“第四屆亞太經濟與金融論壇”面向海内外專家、學者征集會議論文。有關事宜公告如下: 一、論壇背景與宗旨

“亞太經濟與金融論壇”由bevictor伟德官网于 2007 年 9 月發起,美國、澳大利亞、日本等國家著名大學和研究機構協辦的定期高層學術論壇。 2007 年 9 月、 2008 年 11 月和 2009 年 12 月,bevictor伟德官网先後以“中國銀行業的開放與銀行法人治理”、“中國金融改革 30 年回顧與展望”、“後危機時期全球經濟面臨的新挑戰”為題成功舉辦了第一、二、三屆“亞太經濟與金融論壇”。全國人大财經委員會副主 任吳曉靈 女士、國際貨币基金組織特别顧問 朱民 先生、國家統計局局長 馬建堂 先生、美國斯坦福大學經濟學教授 Ronald McKinnon 先生、澳大利亞駐華大使 Geoff Raby 先生、bevictor伟德官网校長王廣謙教授、美國加州大學戴維斯分校經濟學教授兼bevictor伟德官网講座教授 WingThyeWoo (胡永泰)先生等應邀發表了主旨演講。來自中國社會科學院、北京大學、清華大學、中國人民大學、北京師範大學、複旦大學、武漢大學等全國 30 多所高校的專家學者出席了這三屆論壇,新浪财經、網易财經、教育部學術會議在線、金融時報、第一财經日報等重要媒體給予了全面報道,産生了非常積極的社會影響。

2010 年,全球經濟在超預期反彈後開始有放緩迹象,經濟複蘇的可持續性面臨威脅。危機期間推出的大規模财政和貨币刺激政策,增加了各國政府的債務負擔, 美日主權債務風險上升, 歐洲 主權債務危機陰霾不散,中國地方融資平台急劇膨脹,新興市場國家出現資本急劇流入和經濟過熱,刺激政策退出步伐分化等等問題,都已成為高懸在世界經濟頭上的達摩克利斯之劍。 為推動世界經濟的可持續複蘇,必須加快經濟結構的調整和金融改革,但各國實施的政策措施大都停留在短期經濟增長層面,結構調整的國内政策選擇和國際制度構建仍然步履維艱。 為加強中外學者之間的溝通與交流,共同探索對策措施,bevictor伟德官网在《中國與世界經濟》編輯部、bevictor伟德官网國際金融研究中心、日本慶應大學環球卓越研究中心的協助和支持下,将于 2010 年 12 月 13-14 日舉辦第四屆“亞太經濟與金融論壇”。本屆論壇的主題是:“經濟複蘇、結構調整與制度創新”。



Barry Eichengreen ,美國加州大學伯克利分校經濟學教授,bevictor伟德官网講座教授

Wing Thye Woo (胡永泰),美國加州大學戴維斯分校經濟學教授,bevictor伟德官网講座教授








Naoyuki Yoshino (吉野直行),日本慶應大學經濟學教授

Premachandra Athukorala ,澳大利亞國立大學經濟學教授

Yung Chul Park, 原韓國總統經濟顧問,高麗大學經濟學教授


1 、全球經濟複蘇的可持續性

2 、主權債務風險及其影響

3 、 G20 峰會與全球經濟政策協調

4 、 彙率、資本流動與大宗商品價格

5 、國際貨币與金融監管體系改革

6 、 中國經濟金融形勢及其政策調整

7 、金融創新與金融業改革的最新趨勢

8 、金融機構的公司治理結構與風險管理

9 、公司金融、資産定價與金融市場發展

10 、低碳經濟發展的政策選擇和碳金融機制

11 、氣候變化對産業結構和增長模式的影響

12 、其他相關議題


投稿論文原則上應為“未公開發表”文稿,中英文均可。請按規範的學術期刊論文格式排版,采用 Microsoft Word 文檔格式,以“作者姓名 + 論文題目”為文件名。所有投稿論文請于 2010 年 11 月 20 日前發送至,在郵件主題欄注明“參會論文”和“作者姓名”。為便于編輯和印刷,組委會暫不接受 PDF 格式的論文。論壇組委會将在 11 月 30 日前發出錄用通知和參會正式邀請,會議将從錄用的稿件中擇優彙編成冊後出版論文集。



論壇咨詢電話: 李老師: 13611176626 ;譚老師: 13671396780 。




Call for papers:


The Fourth Asia-Pacific Forum ofEconomics and Finance


Hosted by School of Finance, Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE), co-organized by “China and the World Economy” (SSCI journal), Center for International Finance Study at CUFE, Keio University at Japan, the fourth Asia-Pacific Forum of Economics and Finance announces a call for papers.

Introduction of the Forum

Initiated and hosted by School of Finance at CUFE since Sept. 2007, several universities and research institutions from US, Australia and Japan have been co-organizing this annual event, aiming at high-end academic and policy discussions. The forum has been successfully held at School of Finance at Sept. 2007, Nov. 2008 and Dec. 2009 respectively under the themes of “The Opening and Corporate Governance of Chinese Banking Industry”, “The Retrospect and Prospect of China's Financial Reform”, and “New Challenges of Global Economy during Post-crisis Period”.

WU Xiaoling (Associate Director of the Finance and Economics Committee of National People's Congress), ZHU Min (Special Advisor of IMF), MA Jiantang (Chief of National Statistics Bureau), Ronald McKinnon (Stanford University), Geoff Raby (Australian Ambassador in China), WANG Guangqian (President of CUFE), Wing Thye Woo(UC Davis) were invited for keynote speeches. The participants of this forum come from over 30 research institutions including CASS, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Renmin University, Beijing Normal University, Fudan University, and Wuhan University. The main media such as,, online academic conference of Ministry of Education, Financial Times, CBN Daily report this annual event all-around.

In 2010, growth of global economy slows down after an unexpected rebound. The sustainability of economic recovery is threatened. The large-scale of monetary and fiscal expansion at US, Japan, Europe increase sovereign debt burden significantly. China's local government debt, capital inflows, overheating and different paces of exit strategy at emerging markets all become serious problems. In contrast to short-run economic stimulus packages, long-run structural and financial reforms are necessitated for sustainable economic growth.

In order to encourage policy discussions and interactions among Chinese and foreign researchers as well as policy makers, School of Finance at CUFE together with the Center for International Finance Study, “China and World Economy”, Keio University organize this fourth Asia-Pacific Forum of Economics and Finance at Dec. 13 – 14, 2010. The theme of this forum is “Economic Recovery, Structural Reform and Institutional Innovation”.

Tentative List of Keynote Speakers (in alphabetical order)

Athukorala, Premachandra , Professor of economics at Australian National University

Eichengreen, Barry, Professor at UC Berkeley, “Yangzi Scholar” lecture professor at School of Finance, CUFE

HUANG Yiping, Professor at CCER, Peking University

Park, Yung Chul, former economic advisor of Korean president, Professor of economics at Korea University

Woo, Wing Thye, Professor at UC Davis, “Yangzi Scholar” lecture professor at School of Finance, CUFE

WU Xiaoling, Associate Director of the Finance and Economics Committee of National People's Congress

WU Xiaoqiu, Director of Research Institute of Finance and Security at RUC, Professor of Economics

YANG Zaiping, Associate President of China Banking Association

Yoshino, Naoyuki, Professor of economics at Keio Univesity

YU Yongding, member of academia sinica, CASS, research fellow of Institute of World Economy and Politics, CASS

XIAO Geng, Director of East-Asia Division, Global Center, Columbia University

ZHANG Jianhua, Director of Research Bureau of PBoC

ZHONG Wei, Director of Center for Financial Research, BNU, Professor of economics

Main Topics

• The sustainability of global economic recovery

• Sovereign debt risk and its implications

• G20 summit and cooperation of global economic policy

• Exchange rates, capital flows and prices of bulk commodity

• International monetary and financial regulatory system reform

• China's economic and financial situation and adjustment

• Financial innovation and the new trend of China's financial reform

• Corporate governance and risk management of financial institutions

• Corporate finance, asset pricing and financial market development

• Policy measures for low-carbon economic development and carbon finance

• Climate changes and its impacts on industrial structure and economic growth models

• Other related topics

Paper Formats and Submission

The papers submitted shall be unpublished, either in English or Chinese. Please follow formal academic journal format. For easier editing, we acceptonlyWORD files with “author name + title” as file names.

The deadline for submission is Nov. 20, 2010.Please email your full papers toyataiforum@gmail.comwith subject of emails “Conference paper” and your names. The conference organizing committee will send out acceptance letters before Nov. 30, 2010. We will select some of the papers and publish a conference volume.


Dr. Li: +86-136-11176626

Dr. Tan: +86-136-71396780

School of Finance

Central University of Finance and Economics

The Organizing Committee of the 4 th Asia-Pacific Forum of Economics and Finance

上一條:“區域金融與監管合作——中歐對話”學術會議的通知 下一條:我校講座教授 Barry Eichengreen 講座系列報道(2010年)

