Mian et al.(2013)和陳斌開和楊汝岱(2017)等人刻畫了房價變動對居民消費儲蓄等微觀行為的影響。另一方面,從家庭金融資産配置角度看,資産證券化、次級住房抵押貸款等金融創新刺激了家庭負債的增長和家庭信貸的可獲得性(Casolaro et al.,2006),李鳳等(2016)基于中國家庭金融調查數據發現在2015年家庭住房資産占據家庭總資産比例高達70.1%。在此基礎上,本文重點研究了房價變動對于家庭杠杆率的影響,并進一步探索房價變動對于我國家庭杠杆率影響的主要特征和渠道,同時探讨對不同特征家庭的異質性影響,對現有文獻進行補充。
Mian et al. (2013) and Chen andYang (2017) portrayed the impact of housing price changes on microeconomicbehaviors such as household consumption and savings. Asset securitization andsubprime mortgages have stimulated household debt growth and household creditavailability (Casolaro et al., 2006). Based on Chinese Household Finance Surveydata, Li et al (2016) found family housing assets account for as much as 70.1%of total household assets in 2015. On these studies, this paper focuses on theimpact of housing price changes on household leverage, further explores themain channels of housing price changes on China's household leverage, andexplores the heterogeneity impact on households with different characteristics.
Based on household level housingand debt information drawn from the Chinese Family Panel Studies(CFPS)for 2014 and 2016, we show that the appreciation in house prices indeedcontribute to the increase in household leverage. Quantitatively, we find thata 100% increase in the price of a house leads to 288. 1% and 39. 2% increasesin household debt and leverage, respectively. By further splitting our sampleinto several subsamples, we also find that the house price movements haveheterogeneous effects on household leverage. Specifically, we find that urbanhukou households with spouses and children have a greater increase in householdleverage than rural hukou households without spouses and children. Moreover, wefind that some of the data patterns are at odds with or cannot be well explainedby the “collateral channel”. Therefore, we propose two additional channels, the“financing channel” and the “speculation channel”, and confirm that these channelshave a strong influence on our sample. Furthermore, we find that most householdsfinance their housing purchases by bank loans instead of private lending.