一、主題:How Does the Change in Left-tail Risk Priced in China?
美國Georgetown 大學McDonough商學院金融學助理教授,主要研究領域為實證資産定價。美國Emory大學金融學博士。曾在Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis發表高水平論文6篇,另外在 Review of Finance, Review of Asset Pricing Studies發表高水平論文兩篇。
三、時間&地點:2021年1月28日9:00-10:30;騰訊會議【304 451 305】
四、主持人: 朱一峰,bevictor伟德官网金融工程系副教授
Abstrac:In this paper, we find a negative cross-section relationship between the change in left-tail risk and expected returns in the Chinese stock market. This effect cannot be explained by the common control variables and the existing factor models in China including the four-factor model (CH4) proposed by Liu, Stambaugh, and Yuan (2019). Additionally, we observe that investors exhibit stronger change in left-tail risk preference for stocks with lower capital gains overhang (CGO).