楊汝岱| 第196期雙周學術論壇:Trade Credit and Export: Evidence from China
一、主題:Trade Credit and Export: Evidence from China
二、主講人:楊汝岱,北京大學經濟學院副教授、博士生導師。2009年獲北京大學中國經濟研究中心經濟學博士學位。北京大學城市與環境學院理學博士後,美國威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校聯合培養學生。主持多項國家社科基金項目、教育部人文社科項目等。其研究成果在《經濟研究》、《管理世界》、World Development、Journal of Business Ethics等國内外高水平期刊發表數十篇。
Abstract: The paper examines the effect of trade credit on export using matched firm accounting and disaggregated export datasets. The paper shows that trade credit has a positive effect on the export value of Chinese firms. The effect is larger for firms with a higher demand for short-term financing such as working capital, and thus smaller for the export shipped by air and larger for exporters with imports. The enhancing effect of trade credit is not weakened by the financial development of the destination country. The paper finds that trade credit is used for the financing of working capital rather than the extension of trade finance to their foreign customers. The results provide evidence on the role of alternative financing channels for China’s high economic growth.