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Alberto Franco Pozzolo | Bank size and financial cross-border linkages

[發布日期]:2017-05-27  [浏覽次數]:

Alberto Franco Pozzolo | 第199期雙周學術論壇:Bank size and financial cross-border linkages

一、主題:Bank size and financial cross-border linkages

二、主講人:Alberto Franco Pozzolo,意大利莫利澤大學(University of Molise)教授、經濟系系主任、學術委員會主席,并擔任意大利大學聯合會的協調專員。曾供職于意大利中央銀行,擔任高級經濟學家職位。他長期從事銀行學與國際經濟學的研究,學術成果斐然,在國際頂級經濟金融學術期刊Journal of Monetary Economics, European Economic Review, Journal of International Economics, Journal of Banking and Finance等發表論文數十篇,同時還為新帕爾格雷夫辭典拟寫Banking Industry一詞。




文章摘要:We estimate the effect of the distribution of banks by asset size on a country's propensity to engage in cross-border banking, using a two step gravity regression framework. We find that the asymmetry of the distribution of banks' size is highly related to cross-border bank holdings, in addition to the standard variables normally considered in the gravity literature, such as country size and distance. Countries where the distribution of banks by asset size is more skewed to the right (few large banks) are recipients of a larger amount of funds from foreign banks. These results are robust across different subsets of countries, different time periods (i.e., before and after the financial crisis), alternative measures of banks size and to the inclusion of control variables reflecting market concentration. Fixed costs in accessing international markets is the most likely explanation of our results. Instead, we do not find robust evidence that the distribution of banks in source countries is related to the size of financial stakes held by banks abroad.

上一條:Vikas Agarwal | 第201期雙周學術論壇 下一條:施炳展|彙率制度、生産率與企業出口

