一、主題:International Banking Integration and Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions
李嫦為華東師範大學經濟與管理學部、上海并購金融研究院助理教授,主要研究領域為企業并購、量化曆史和公司金融;在《管理世界》、China Economic Review、Journal of International Money and Finance、Economic Modelling等國内外重要期刊發表學術論文,并主持國家自然科學基金青年項目。
三、時間&地點:2021年3月18日(星期四)下午14:00-15:30;騰訊會議【741 337 725】
四、主持人: 苟琴,國際金融系副教授
Abstract: This paper demonstrates that international banking integration facilitates real sector integration through information transmission and spillover regarding target countries. Country-pair analysis shows that both cross-border banking mergers and acquisitions (M&As) and loan flows stimulate cross-border non-financial M&As. This pattern is particularly striking when target countries are physically and culturally distant or have weak institutions, or for private target firms. Furthermore, firm-level evidence shows that acquiring firms are more likely to pursue targets in countries where their lending banks have already conducted M&As or extended loans, and such acquirers, particularly those facing serious information opacity, achieve better post-merger operating performances.