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吳锴 | 金融工程系seminar第12期暨bevictor伟德官网雙周論壇325期

[發布日期]:2021-03-06  [浏覽次數]:

一、主題:Do Intangible Assets Foster Corporate Tax Avoidance?



吳锴,美國康奈爾大學金融學博士。現任bevictor伟德官网助理教授、私募投資基金研究中心副主任。在Journal of Corporate FinanceNature CommunicationsJournal of Commodity Markets, Journal of Cleaner ProductionJournal of Futures Markets、《金融研究》(2篇)等雜志發表論文。國家自然科學基金面上項目主要參與人,bevictor伟德官网青年科研創新團隊成員。曾獲2020年度bevictor伟德官网騁望一流學術成果獎、亞洲金融學年會最佳博士論文獎、美國東部金融學會最佳公司金融論文獎。研究成果被中國能源網、中國期貨業協會、人大複印資料報道及轉載。



倪骁然,清華大學經濟學學士、應用經濟學(金融學方向)博士。現任廈門大學經濟學院、王亞南經濟研究院副教授、博士生導師。主要研究領域為公司金融,當前研究專長主要包括:利益相關者視角下的公司治理;制度變化與企業行為;企業信息環境。在《經濟研究》(2篇)、《管理世界》、《經濟學(季刊)》、《金融研究》(2篇)、《中國工業經濟》、Journal of Corporate Finance4篇)、Journal of Banking and Finance2篇)等國内外重要學術期刊發表論文20餘篇。主持國家自然科學基金青年項目。多次獲得國際國内學術會議優秀論文獎。


四、時間&地點:2021311日(星期四)上午10:00-11:30;騰訊會議【966 225 031


五、主持人: 彭俞超 副教授,學術交流部主任





Although existing studies have documented ample evidence on the positive role of intangible assets in corporate tax avoidance, they mainly focus on the scale of intangible assets, whereas the productivity of intangible assets is not accounted. Using intangible intensity to measure both the scale and productivity of intangible assets, we find that intangible intensity is negatively associated with corporate tax avoidance for the U.S. listed firms from 1985 to 2017. The decomposition of intangible intensity identifies goodwill as the driving force in this negative relationship. Moreover, we find firm productivity is the mediating channel in the relationship between intangible assets and corporate tax avoidance. The negative association is more pronounced in firms with low CEO pay-performance sensitivity, less corporate diversification, and a lack of foreign revenues. Overall, our findings suggest that intangible asset productivity plays a critical role in corporate tax policies.

上一條:李嫦 | 國際金融系seminar第6期暨bevictor伟德官网雙周論壇326期 下一條:孫開斯 | bevictor伟德官网雙周論壇324期

