一、題目:How Do Spot Price and Future Price Affect Healthcare Usage? Evidence from Quasi-Experiments in China
宋弘,複旦大學經濟學院副教授,新加坡國立大學經濟學博士。研究領域為發展經濟學、勞動經濟學。論文發表于Journal of Labor Economics,Journal of Development Economics、《經濟研究》《管理世界》《經濟學季刊》《金融研究》等國内外權威期刊。入選國家級人才計劃青年項目,獲得第五屆張培剛發展經濟學青年學者獎、上海市曙光學者、上海社科新人、洪銀興經濟學獎等。主持國家自科基金面上項目、青年項目、教育部人文社科項目。擔任國際知名期刊Journal of Asian Economics(SSCI)與 China and World Economy(SSCI)副主編,《世界經濟文彙》編輯。資政成果多次被國家和地方政府部門采納。
三、時間:2022年11月3日 星期四下午,14:00-15:30
四、地點:騰訊會議 941-737-296
Highly nonlinear price schemes are commonly used in health insurance contracts, and identifying patients’response to price is an important question for both academia and policymakers. Although the literature has well established that both the current cost sharing (“spot price”) and expected end-of-year price (“future price”) matter when making dynamic decisions, little empirical work has been conducted to explain to what extent the two prices matter or which price matters more. In this study, we answer this question by quantifying patients' response elasticity to both spot price change and future price change in the same group of people under a health care insurance scheme in China. Specifically, we exploit two natural experiments in the same health insurance scheme. The first experiment contains a change in the spot price only and the second contains changes in both the spot price and future price. Our analysis suggests an elasticity to the spot price of 0.09~0.14 and to the future price of 0.92~1.01, which demonstrates the importance of the future price. This paper contributes to the literature by serving as one of the first empirical efforts to derive multiple elasticities in health insurance and deliver policy implications for health insurance contract design.