一、題目:Data Manipulation in Credit Markets
熊琰,香港科技大學金融學助理教授,多倫多大學金融學博士。主要研究方向:公司金融、金融市場。學術成果發表于Journal of Economic Theory、Management Science、Journal of Accounting and Economic等國際頂級經濟學、金融學、會計學期刊。2022年獲Review of Corporate Finance Studies Rising Scholar Award。
三、時間:2022年11月10日 星期四上午,10:00-11:30
四、地點:騰訊會議 347-749-500
We study data manipulation by borrowers in the credit market. We find that as the lender adopts more advanced data technology to screen the borrowers, the borrowers are more likely to manipulate their data profile. In equilibrium, even though the data technology is costless, the lender will not exploit its full potential.