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陳梓麟 | 金融工程系Seminar第12期暨bevictor伟德官网雙周論壇349期

[發布日期]:2022-03-25  [浏覽次數]:

一、題目:Presidential Economic Approval Rating and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns


主要研究領域為實證資産定價、行為金融和機器學習。論文發表于《Journal of Banking and Finance》,《Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control》等國際期刊。 

三、時間:2022年3月31日星期四 上午10:00-11:30 

四、地點:騰訊會議 447-414-526 



We construct a monthly presidential economic approval rating (PEAR) index from 1981 to 2019, by averaging ratings on president's handling of the economy across various national polls. In the cross-section, stocks with high betas to changes in the PEAR index significantly under-perform those with low betas by 0.95% per month in the future, on a risk adjusted basis. The low PEAR beta return premium persists up to one year, is present in various sub-samples and even in other G7 countries. PEAR beta dynamically reveals a firm's perceived alignment to the incumbent president's economic policies and investors seem to misprice such an alignment.


上一條:李斌 | 金融工程系Seminar第13期暨bevictor伟德官网雙周論壇350期 下一條:劉岩 | 雙周論壇第348期

